If you are interested or have any questions on the products or services we offer, we would be happy to help. Feel free to give us a call or send an email with any questions you might have.
Fill out the form or call us at 352-373-1738
1032 South Main StreetGainesville, Florida 32601Phone: 352-373-1738Toll Free: 1-866-650-3473 (FIRE)Fax: 352-338-1179
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ESTMonday - Friday
Brad Kinsell, President & Estimatingbkinsell@gatorfire.net
Lance Ashby, Fire Sprinkler Operationslashby@gatorfire.net
John Mallard, Service & Inspections Manager jmallard@gatorfire.net
Skip Crouch, Alarm Operationsjcrouch@gatorfire.net
Micah Hedgecock , Design Managermhedgecock@gatorfire.net
Debbie McCullough, Accountingdmccullough@gatorfire.net
Transparency in Coverage: https://www.floridablue.com/members/tools-resources/transparency